°am ajDheed
ennagh! °irxear en rafraHat idanagh theggeed
Hey, our Amar! What a nice happiness you have made for us
es-tesreeh n-arabbi °idanagh yasseshnen °abrid
Whith the permission of God, who guided us the way
embash °anessen rafraHat °idi thallid
But in order that we know what happiness you are in
ataTTawed ektar zi eg ajDheed
you must fly more than a hawk
thaZaHHasht enhara wa xanagh vu etba€€eedh
Laughing won't to leave us today
dhenhar n-asshabab, nigh mash thanneedh?
Today is the day of the youth, isn't it?
wassura! aqqa theDDahharem axmi yuktha wanzar dhu Sammidh!
Hey, you old people! You're looking as if there has been rain and wind!
edh anhar en sukkar, walli vu en tazemmeeth!
Today is the day of sugar, not of knead bread!
farHem, farHem akedh muray eth tassreeth
So be happy, be happy with with the groom and the bride
ettugha azzun arebbi aqqa yaggasenteedh
God has made for them what they were looking for
lhamdu lillah °idhasan yassashnen abreedh
Praise be to God who showed them the way